Natasha's Original Raw Ted Talk

I asked Bill to upload Natasha's original raw ted talk, that Kevin Green generously offered to video for us early May 2016 in preparation for Natasha to fly down to Virginia to join her fellow childhood cancer awareness advocate and fighter; Tom Mitchell (Tattoo Tom). I want to share this with you because my communicator daughter has lost her voice and can barely whisper a word, but her spirit is still strong and persistently communicates with us through a communication board, I pray she can continue to use her one hand to point. Please share to help Natasha increase awareness for kids fighting cancer!


Natasha's TEDx Rehearsal 

Published on Jul 16, 2016

This practice was recorded in Natasha's home 6 weeks prior to the live recording of the TedX talk with Tattoo Tom. This version was going to be edited to her allotted 5 minutes. Her live talk was shortened further due to a combination of having a bad cold, and progression of her symptoms. We are grateful to Tattoo Tom for helping Natasha check this off her bucket list!


Guns, abortion, gay rights, racism, immigration, bathrooms, God, and… | Tom Mitchell | TEDxHerndon

Published on Jun 22, 2016

These are the topics that Americans love to talk about and to debate ad nauseam. But more importantly, these are the topics we TAKE ACTION on. Billions and billions of dollars are spent annually to lobby both for and against these topics, friends and enemies are made and lost, families divided, fist fights, mass shootings and even wars are fought over this handful of topics.