Last Sunday, Bill could not sleep and felt compelled to post this prayer below. A few days earlier Bill prayed a similar prayer with me. When couples pray together it brings them closer together, for which I am thankful.
"Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy.
You created all things, including our Natasha, who you placed in our care. She is your child. We raise her to you now, asking you to heal and restore her. May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
And Lord, if it is your will to bring Natasha home to you, we ask that you pour out your grace on her throughout her remaining days. Give us today the food we need, and forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us.
Fill us with your spirit so that we are guided by your love and wisdom. And don't let us yield to temptation, but rescue us from the evil one.
We rest in your mercy, your power and your glory, now and forever.
This morning I could not sleep;
Natasha wants to know that we will be OK. She has been asking about what heaven is like and we have been exploring the possibilities. We talk about all her heart's desires like; having a baby, continuing her writing, having a farm with lots of animals including a pig, making new friends and seeing old friends again,
And now that Natasha's words are few we still talk about what her heavenly destiny could look like and her mouth slowly whispers ... and walking...
And I say boldly; yes honey walking and running and doing cartwheels, and singing and playing and eating and living. In Heaven we are not bound by time and it is her day, fully healed, and probably leading worship. (Natasha loves musicals, could be happy living in a musical, she is a singer at heart, her voice is strong)
Natasha knows that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and that our bodies we live in on earth does do not define our eternity gifted to us, graciously through the finished work of Jesus.
We pray with Natasha and remind her that we hold two possibilities; it is still possible for God to fully heal and restore her body, and we ask Him for heaven on earth, in Jesus name! ...and it is possible that God may call her home to heaven soon!
God did not give Natasha this horrific disease, God leads Natasha's office, and much of the spiritual nuances being played out are beyond what the human eye can see. I know in my heart that God is a good, good Father and is lovingly holding Natasha, beyond what we can imagine!
Our Natasha (official Calgary "white hatted" from the Omi concert", our "service dog" Ryder off to a bit of Stampeding, yesterday, rain or shine, nothing stops a cow girl from stampeding!